Give it a rest!

Hey Flavor Runners!

We are having a great time out on the Life is Delicious tour, and had a great time with our first race in Indianapolis, Indiana! We hope everyone was able to make it out. Our next stop is next weekend in Ft. Pierce, Florida! We can’t wait to be back on the space-coast!

Have you ever gotten muscle soreness one or even two days after a workout? It’s common to experience muscle soreness or even fatigue after a strenuous exercise and is called delayed onset muscle soreness. There are some things you can do to help make this pain easier, or to heal faster. Keep in mind, this soreness may be annoying, but is a sign that you are healing your muscles and they will become stronger!

Here are a few things you can do to help heal quicker and get back to the gym or back to lacing up those running shoes:

Don’t work the same muscle group two days in a row. Rotating your workout and muscle focus will allow your muscles time to heal and regenerate; and make it less likely that you will over work, which can potentially cause an injury.

Eat a high protein snack after your workout. Protein is the backbone of muscle mass and can be easily added to a diet.

Allow time for a proper cool-down! Taking 10 minutes to jog or walk and stretch can help ensure your muscles cool down properly and help to avoid immediate muscle cramps.

Apply heat to localized areas. Applying heat to sore muscles can help loosen them up and reduce soreness.

Cherry juice or pineapple juice. Not only are these delicious, they are both natural anti-inflammatory drinks.

Take a bath! An epsom salt bath 60-90 minutes before bed will help relax your muscles and will aid in a restful nights sleep. Proper sleep is crucial to any workout regimen.

Listen to your body. There is a huge difference between being sore and being hurt. If you are feeling pain during your workout, back down on the intensity or weight. Don’t just “play through the pain” as this can often lead to injury and keep you from getting back out there and accomplishing your goals.

And don’t forget… GIVE IT A REST! Allow yourself a rest day or two, depending on your activity level. Your muscles need time to repair after a strenuous workout, so schedule in breaks to let your body recover. You don’t want to hinder progress by trying to do too much, too fast.

So, Flavor Runners, be safe out there and listen to your body when it tells you a rest day is needed. Please feel free to comment on what you would like to see next from the Flavor Blog. If you don’t see your city on the schedule yet remember to pre-register at to let us know you want the Flavor Family to visit you!







2 thoughts on “Give it a rest!”

    1. Hello!
      Sorry for the delay in response. I hope you were able to locate the race photos you were looking for at We are so stoked to hear you had a great time and are looking forward to seeing you at the next event!


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