What’s Your Motivation?

Hello Flavor Runners!

Sorry I have been away from our blog lately! We have been so busy trying to build the best race we can for you this year! I’m looking for a little feedback from all of you this month on what you would like to see going forward with the Flavor Blog. Are you interested in seeing the behind-the-scenes action of the Flavor Run? Are you here looking for tips to being a better runner? We want to make the Flavor Run the best event it can be and that starts with you! Please comment what you would like future Flavor Blogs to be about, and as always remember to follow us @flavorrun on Instagram to see daily photos of past races, motivation and the Flavor Crew!

What’s Your Motivation?

What makes you lace up your running shoes when you could easily stay in bed a few minutes longer? I often have a hard time getting my day started any earlier than it has to, so I usually try to sneak in a run in the evening once the little one has gone to bed. Like many of you, I have many things that keep me busy through the day and sometimes a run just doesn’t seem like it will fit in. Getting out to run is sometimes a struggle but I never regret it once my shoes hit the pavement. So what is your drive? Are you training for a race coming up or simply setting personal goals? What motivates you to eat healthy when there is a sushi burrito calling your name? If you think you have advice that would be good for other Flavor Runners, comment and we can feature you as one of our first flavor famous Q&As! I’d love to make this blog more about the Grape community around us and need your help to do so!

See you soon, Flavor Runners! (Especially you all in Chattanooga TN. We are coming for you March 26th! Don’t put off signing up any longer!)


2 thoughts on “What’s Your Motivation?”

  1. The flavor run sounds awesome!!! I was wondering could you come to Providence or Warwick, Rhode Island? Please that would mean the world to me!!


    1. Victoria, Thank you for your interest! The Flavor Run is awesome! We do not have anything on the schedule for Rhode Island yet but we suggest going to our website (www.flavorrun.com) and pre registering for your city. This allows us to keep track of interest in each city and can get us there sooner!


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